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Finally Finished2066 viewsA shot of the layout in its now completed form. You can see the new stair case in the distance.
Finished (with train)1580 viewsPretty much finished. Still awaiting the arrival of a new staircase to replace that evil ladder.
As is the Station1470 viewsThe Custom made baslsa wood station was fixed into place with some wood glue.
Some paint.940 viewsThe mountain has been painted in its basecoat colours. scatters will be layed a top this paint.
The station glued in722 viewsThe station was then slightly modified. The Advert board was shrunk, and some luggage added.
About the Layout678 viewsA breif description about the layout
New Light671 viewsThe light looked ugly and so i replaced it with this new one.
Controller Housing 3649 viewsAnd inside is the secret controller for setting speed.
Controller Housing 2637 viewsThe door opens.
Finished (new stand)620 viewsI have replaced the stand with a much more professional, much neater one.
Controller Housing 1579 viewsA secret door in the stand.
The house on the hill543 views
The Stairs442 viewsHere is a closer shot of the new staircase which I fitted to replace that ugly ladder. It is a laser cut wood kit from RSLaserKits.
New Stairs431 viewsAn even closer shot of the staircase and path that leads to it.
The tunnel complete427 views
New Rivine408 viewsI have remade the rivine with some water (glue), and a new tree and stones. Its now much better.
Plan360 viewsThe layout has been planned to have dimensions no large than a CD. There is on the plan an hill, station, loop line, and grassy area.
A Station Platform359 viewsI have built a platform out of layers of balsa. This has been painted and then place on the layout to see if it fits.
Start of a mountain339 viewsThe polystyrene has been glued onto the baseboard.
A CD318 viewsNothing to say really.