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Feilds no more.297 viewsI decided that the grassy plains up on the hill looked too green and fresh for a semi desert, and also looked very monotone. As such I have added a layer of sand to the hill tops to make the grass look alot more patchy. Personally I think it looks alot better
UTP Panel297 viewsAn NCE UTP panel has been fitted to the Control Panel. There will be another fitted at the other end of the layout.
Light wired up295 viewsThis shot was taken in the darw, with the only light source being a new light which i fitted to the layout.
Side View294 viewsI view from person level toward the layout.
Undercoat293 viewsThe plastered area has recieved a black undercoat.
A Record Disk292 views33RPM Record. Diameter: 1'
The art work291 viewsSea, bridge and grass all painted on.
Sand slopes291 viewsI have built up a layer of sand to form a nice even slope between the passing loop above, and the river. This hides the small drop down from the passing loop
Turntable Wide Angle291 viewsA shot of the turntable's location on the layout.
Track bent to shape289 viewsIn a similar way to the N-Scale disk, the track has been bent to shape. It is next to the Single to show just how small it is.
JMRI287 viewsA shot of my virtual control panel in JMRI
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