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It Rained. Alot. The Sea!408 viewsI have poured some woodland scenics EZ-water ta make up the sea
A ladder to the roof.224 viewsThere was a leak in the roof so the LPs installed a ladder to fix it.
New Platform End237 viewsThe end of the platform has been reshaped to allow access for people to the station.
Carlson & Co Coal210 viewsSome new warehouses have sprung up aroung the Industrial Complex
New Stand556 viewsI have build a stand for the layout, aswell as buying a controller for it.
New Tree494 viewsAlso i have replaced the tree with a large new one to add to the scenic break.
Finished651 viewsA few updated bits of scenery to complete the layout.
New Plan213 viewsI have changed my mind about the plan and come up instead with this logging theme layout. A large sawmill (to be scratchbuilt) resides in the centre of the layout, with a tree line which acts as a scenic break. There is a logging ppond at the front, and a logging camp to the rear, along with a steep gradient and level crossing.
Chocolate hill192 viewsThe second layer of plaster was dyed brown and then applied to the whole layout.
The lower Tunnel298 viewsA shot of the lower tunnel and location of the trestle bridge.
The top190 viewsThe same thing has happened to the top peice, a coat of plaster.
Retaining Wall206 viewsI have built this retaining wall from card and paper which is part of a Scalescenes download which i printed out.
Scatters303 viewsBefore fully dry, the plaster was scored to create rock strata. This was then drybrushed to create colour textures, and then scatters applyed on top.
Gandy Dancer360 viewsI have also purchased a B'mann Gandy Dancer to give me a little variety in the running stock.
Again from the rear277 viewsAnother shot of the back of the layout. This one after scatters were applied
Bushes260 viewsSome plant life has been added to the hill in the form of bushes.
Rear Scenery252 viewsThe scenery to the rear is now finished.
Chapel Close238 viewsA close up of the chapel. As it sits very firmly attached to the top peice of the hill so that i can lift it off.
Chaple on Hill1329 viewsThe chapel has been placed on the top of the hill. This is a place for the mine workers to go and visit.
Chapel Inside248 viewsInside there are Pews and paintings and stained glass windows. You cah just see them through the door. There is also a light inside.
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