Last additions - N-Scale Disk: |
New Rivine408 viewsI have remade the rivine with some water (glue), and a new tree and stones. Its now much better.%959 %22, %2009
Some Foam241 viewsA block of polystyrene to carve into a mountain.%956 %22, %2009
A Station Platform359 viewsI have built a platform out of layers of balsa. This has been painted and then place on the layout to see if it fits.%956 %22, %2009
Start of a mountain339 viewsThe polystyrene has been glued onto the baseboard.%956 %22, %2009
The tunnel is in213 viewsI have built the back of the tunnel using masking tape and solder wire.%956 %22, %2009
The tools219 viewsThe tools I will be using through the project.%956 %22, %2009
Track Layed226 viewsI have curved each rail to shape individually and then threaded them into the sleepers.%956 %22, %2009
Now its Papermached241 viewsI have applied lots of paper mache to all of the layout so i can begin scenery. Excuse the image quality.%956 %22, %2009
Still CD sized229 viewsAll this, no tricks, it fits on a CD.%956 %22, %2009
The ladder and fence are Painted252 viewsLast but not least for the "Early" pics, I have painted the ladder and fence. Definately plan to replace this ladder.%956 %22, %2009
Some paint.940 viewsThe mountain has been painted in its basecoat colours. scatters will be layed a top this paint.%956 %22, %2009
The baseboard218 viewsAll 4 peices glued together. The size of a CD.%956 %22, %2009
A CD318 viewsNothing to say really.%956 %22, %2009
A ladder222 viewsI have built a ladder out of cocktail sticks, however i think i will replace it later as it is not correctly scaled.%956 %22, %2009
A hedge.224 viewsI have temporarily attached an hedge to the top of the mountain to see how it looks.%956 %22, %2009
Baseboard Parts230 views3 Thick card disks and a peice of thin brown card.%956 %22, %2009
Plan360 viewsThe layout has been planned to have dimensions no large than a CD. There is on the plan an hill, station, loop line, and grassy area.%956 %22, %2009