Last additions - October 2006 |
Track470 viewsCode 100 Hornby Flex bent to a 30cm dia circle.%969 %22, %2009
Plan463 viewsA simple Iron Works plan. Its pretty self explanitory.%969 %22, %2009
Train469 viewsHornby 0-4-0 and wagons%969 %22, %2009
Stopped at the Signal370 viewsI was test running the track, and took a couple of shots.
This one was of the train stopped at the signal. I had to turn the signal off as the glare was shining into the camera.%969 %22, %2009
Round and Round...469 views...The little train goes on the track.%969 %22, %2009
A Record Disk292 views33RPM Record. Diameter: 1'%969 %22, %2009
Signal282 viewsAn hornby 2 aspect signal. I have painted a white ring around the outside.%969 %22, %2009
An Idea372 viewsThe plan layed out on the board. The orange folder reprisents a backscene.%969 %22, %2009