Category |
Albums |
Files |
| Rail ShowsImages from Exhibitions, Full Size Railways, Narrow Gauge Railways, Galas, etc. |
6 |
261 |
| Mine Layout:The Current Layout - This Also Fits on my Windowsill |
15 |
429 |
15 |
302 |
5 |
37 |
4 |
23 |
5 |
25 |
5 |
27 |
3 |
48 |
| T-Scale Disk:Layout not yet started. It will be a railway on an SD Memory Card. |
1 |
0 |
| PanoramasNot necessarily Model related, but rather interesting none the less. |
1 |
3 |
1,155 files in 60 albums and 10 categories with 0 comments viewed 341,960 times |
Finally Finished2058 viewsA shot of the layout in its now completed form. You can see the new stair case in the distance.
Finished (with train)1572 viewsPretty much finished. Still awaiting the arrival of a new staircase to replace that evil ladder.
About the layout1487 viewsA Breif Introduction to the layout.
New Power Plant area1471 viewsI have thought for a while that the power plant taken from my last layout has been letting this one down. So, I have re designed that area. There is still some work to do - power station interior and building up the hill side to the edge of the station.
1395 views%043 %16, %2011
1376 views%043 %16, %2011
1344 views%043 %16, %2011
1333 views%043 %16, %2011
1302 views%043 %16, %2011
1439 views%043 %16, %2011
New Power Plant area1437 viewsI have thought for a while that the power plant taken from my last layout has been letting this one down. So, I have re designed that area. There is still some work to do - power station interior and building up the hill side to the edge of the station.%721 %04, %2011
New Power Plant area1471 viewsI have thought for a while that the power plant taken from my last layout has been letting this one down. So, I have re designed that area. There is still some work to do - power station interior and building up the hill side to the edge of the station.%721 %04, %2011